JavaScript is currently disabled . This prevents the application from working correctly. Please follow the steps below to enable JavaScript. Then retest your browser.
Below are the results of the test.
Test Name
Your Setting
Test Result
Browser Type
Not Completed
Follow the steps below
Screen Resolution
Not Completed
To use the full functionality of TrackCentral, JavaScript must be enabled. Complete the following steps to enable JavaScript. After completing these steps, retest your browser.
Enabling Internet Explorer 5.x or 6.x for Windows
From the browser's Tools menu select "Internet Options".
Select the Security tab.
Pick the "Internet zone" icon.
Push the "Custom Level..." button.
Scroll down the Settings list to the Scripting item. (You may need to double-click on icons to expand lists.)
Under the "Active scripting" item, choose the Enable radio button.
Push OK and Yes to confirm and close the Security Settings dialog box, then OK again to close the Internet Options dialog box.
Refresh the current page.